There was a time at Absolu when I had a humor page almost every month.
  Come on, go, go!!

Mommy, Mommy, how are children made?

I have always been fascinated by... no, no,
by the sprinkler sprinkled idea.

But then when I drew this one I was very happy
with the hilarious face of the prankster..

So I kind of recycled it in a poster I was asked to design for an event launched by a Pontarlier association around 1987.
Yes, back in the late 70s, the hair was much longer, and most of all the trend for male pants had changed tremendously, from the tight flaring jeans to the baggy, roomy trousers and the no-nonsense blazer jacket.
Or maybe I had changed. Both, probably.
In an altogether different league played Patrick Juvet, the singer moms-love-to-love, a favorite among female teens. This was commissioned for Djin, a Fleurus (Catholic press) offshoot, and consisted in illustrating an article on the showbusiness phenomenon of the time. He was very effeminate, his songs and himself terribly kitschy, and as soon as his face grew fat with success and age, he ceased to please to his teenage audience...