1. I suppose you know what a shell is. They also say seashells. They even have a tongue-twister based on the word. It goes: “She sells seashells by the seashore...” Click on the phrase, or the shell, you will understand. And if you are brave, as I don’t doubt you are, try out one of the tongue-twisters, they’re fun. 2. But of course, as you know, Shell is also an oil company, whose logo is, precisely, a shell. What do you know about this corporation? You can have a quick look at their website by clicking on the shell. But even better than that, you just have to play a video advert that they published a few years ago.
1. I suppose you know what a shell is. They also say seashells. They even have a tongue-twister based on the word. It goes: “She sells seashells by the seashore...” Click on the phrase, or the shell, you will understand. And if you are brave, as I don’t doubt you are, try out one of the tongue-twisters, they’re fun. 2. But of course, as you know, Shell is also an oil company, whose logo is, precisely, a shell. What do you know about this corporation? You can have a quick look at their website by clicking on the shell. But even better than that, you just have to play a video advert next page, which  they published a few years ago...